Reaching Columbus and beyond for Jesus Christ
Church Location:
2580 Jordan Rd., Columbus, OH 43231
Service Times:
Sunday School 10:00-10:45 AM
Sunday Worship 11:00 AM
Thursday Bible Study 7-8 PM
Check out our Facebook for the most current updates and YouTube page for recent videos.
Links to both can be found at bottom of page.
Who we are
This Rock started out of a small bible study on January 1st, 2022. We are a new but growing church and trust the Scriptures that the Lord will set in this body whom He chooses. If you're hungry for the truth of the Scriptures and a good group of people to fellowship with, why don't you come by for a visit and enjoy some time with us in our new building in Minverva Park!

Statement of Faith
We believe God exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The Trinity is known as the Godhead in Scripture. Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1; Romans 1:20; I Timothy 3:16; I John 5:7
Jesus Christ
We believe Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh, was virgin born, and perfectly sinless. He bore the sin of all humanity upon Calvary’s cross. He died, was buried, rose from the grave, ascended to Heaven, and is physically returning to earth soon to rule and reign. Matthew 1:18-25; John 14:1-6; I; Corinthians 15:1-4; I Thessalonians 4:16-18; Revelation 19:11-16, 20:1-6
We believe all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is perfectly preserved today for us in the King James 1611 Bible. This Bible is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice. Psalm 12:6-7; Isaiah 8:20; John 12:48; Acts 17:11; II Timothy 3:16; II Peter 1:19-21
We believe to be saved is to be delivered from perishing. Jesus Christ shed His perfect and precious blood to atone for the sins of the world. All who repent and trust Him as their personal Lord and Saviour are forgiven and saved from Hell by the grace of God. We believe the saved are eternally secure and have everlasting life. John 3:16-18; Romans 3:10,23; Romans 5:8; Romans 6:23; Romans 10:9-13; Ephesians 2:8-9; John 5:24
Heaven and hell
We believe heaven and hell are real places and not a state of mind. Columbus is a place. New York is a place. Heaven is a place. Hell is a place. The saved go to heaven for eternity while unbelievers are doomed to eternal punishment in Hell. Mark 9:43-48; Luke 16:19-31; Revelation 20:11-15; John 14:1- 3; Revelation 21:1-4
We believe after a genuine profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ that a believer should follow the Lord is believer’s baptism. Water baptism by immersion is administered to believers only and is a representation of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ. It is not a sacrament or necessary for salvation, but is the answer of a good conscience. Acts 8:36-38; Acts 10:47-48

Evangelistic Efforts
Engage in different opportunities to reach the local community with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ through church-organized efforts such as small group discipleship classes, street preaching, and door to door visitation.

Join us in person for coffee, tea, and light snacks before, in between, and after our worship services! We also have regular fellowship events announced at services such as ladies events, men's events, board game night, etc.

Family and Youth
We strive to make This Rock welcoming to families with nursery facilities available and children's classes.
Our Pastor
Dr. Aaron Cowgill, B.S., OTD, OTR/L
Pastor Cowgill grew up in a preacher’s home and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in November of 1999. In May of 2016 he offered his life to the Lord, accepting the call to preach in June of the same year. He attended and served 3.5 years at an inner city church on the westside of Columbus, OH and was the director of Charity Mission for Men rehabilitation home. Later, he spent 2.5 years in Hillsboro, OH as his father’s assistant pastor. He was ordained at Bible Believers Baptist Church in Hillsboro, OH. On January 1st, 2022, Pastor Cowgill started a small Saturday morning bible study in one of our current members' living room. This Rock organized for its first Sunday service on June 12, 2022.
Pastor Cowgill is from southern Ohio and moved to Columbus in 2013. He currently works as a licensed Occupational Therapist at the Ohio State Wexner Medical Center. He has a Clinical Doctorate in Occupational Therapy and Bachelors of Science in Systems and Behavioral Neuroscience from OSU. He met his wife Grace in Columbus and they married in 2019. They currently have two children, Stephen and Eleazar, and enjoy serving the Lord together.
​Dr. Cowgill travels and speaks at churches across the world for special conferences, meetings, and revivals where he preaches, teaches, and discusses scriptural issues. He is often asked to expound on the subjects of his books, which discuss scriptural and clinical views of mental health and the effects technology on our mind, body, and spiritual well-being.
Our Pastor has been engaged in numerous forms of ministerial work including youth ministry, adult Sunday School teaching, nursing home ministries, soul winning endeavors, evangelistic preaching, street preaching, counseling, financial advising for churches, homeless ministry, addiction rehab, and as an assistant pastor. He is happy to answer the Lord’s call and be a part of a bible-believing church plant on the eastside of Columbus, OH.​

Written by our Pastor, Satan's Devices brings together both the bible and science to explore the effects "screen time" on our minds and bodies.
Author: Dr. Aaron Cowgill
Format: Paperback
Pages: 50

Books start at $7 plus shipping and handling.
Bulk discounts:
5-9 books for $6.60 each
10-50 books for $6.00 each
51-100 books for $5.00 each
101-150 books for $4.00 each
For orders >150 books please contact us at savesomeministries@gmail.com or call us at (614) 522-9555.
To order books directly from us, please email savesomeministries@gmail.com or call/text at 614-522-9555. A secure link will be sent to you with payment options (check, PayPal link, Venmo Link, Square Link). Please provide your name, number of books, physical address to be mailed to, preferred form of payment, and preferred method of contact whether via cell phone or email. We will get back with you soon.
You may also order them @ https://daystarpublishing.org/product/satans-devices/
Dr. Cowgill also travels and speaks evangelistically, as well as on the subject of his book. Each presentation is suited towards the audience he is speaking to (numbers of sessions broken up into, 1-3 hours, speaking to pastors v mixed congregation, etc.). If this would be a blessing to you and your church, please reach out. Here is a link of him teaching at a Young Men's Conference - Satan's Devices Presentation
2580 Jordan Rd
Columbus, OH 43231
Feel free to call or text!